Friday, March 28, 2025

"In a Night" Seminars

In a Night: The Bible

“In a Night” Seminars are 6 hour long seminars focused on one primary subject. The Bible seminar spends the entire evening walking through all 66 books of the Bible.

The seminar provides:

  • A Historical Roadmap through the Bible focusing on being able to PLACE the major people and events in order from Genesis to Revelation understanding its structure, division, and connection between the books.
  • A Gospel Roadmap through the Bible focusing on being able to TRACE the message of the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation.
  • A Base for further study of the themes, message, and content by illustrating interpretive and application principles.

The study makes 3 passes through the entirety of the Bible:

  • An Aerial view: Looking at its structure and chronology
  • A Ground view: Examining each of the 66 books individually and addressing 6 points of interest for each book:
    • Informational
    • Historical
    • Theological
    • Christological
    • Hermeneutical
    • Practical
  • A Gospel view: Seeing Christ and the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation